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[Text from American Friends Service Committee - New Hampshire]


The deadline is fast approaching for the submission of public comments regarding the Biden Administration's proposed asylum ban. (You can read more here.) The NH Immigrant Rights Network (NHIRN) will submit comments on Monday, March 27. You can review our draft comments here. We encourage you to submit your own comments since our goal is the highest possible number of unique comments. Please feel free to use our NHIRN comments as a guide, as well as your own experience with asylum seekers and your own work for humane immigration policies. Your comments can be brief and to the point. You can submit your comments via the AFSC asylum ban comment page, or directly to the Federal Register here. Remember that the deadline for public comment is the end of the day on Monday, March 27.

And while we work to protect asylum rights at the southern border, the US and Canada announced an agreement – made over a year ago but not publicized – that will turn away asylum seekers at the northern border. Read more herehere, and here.

Combined with Governor Sununu’s proposal for a Northern Border Alliance, and the efforts to promote collusion between local and state law enforcement and immigration enforcement in our own communities (SB 132), the environment is increasingly hostile and dangerous for migrants in NH and at our borders. Is this who we want to be?


[Editorial Note: We Democrats provide a "big tent," welcoming people with a variety of views on a variety of issues. If you do not agree with AFSC-NH on the proposed asylum ban, please register your opinion on this important issue. --Phil Hatcher]

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